Case Results and Notable Cases

Every case represents unique set of facts and the results depend on a variety of factors unique to that case. Past case results do not guarantee or predict future results in any new case.

Some names have been withheld to preserve confidentiality.

Civil Rights Litigation

Rufo v. Aclara, LLC,1:18-cv-37 (E.D. Va.) (as co-counsel): The Erlich Law Office, in its role as co-counsel, helped the Plaintiff in this matter, Mr. Rufo, win a $735,000.00 judgment. Mr. Rufo provided data showing potential racial discrimination to his employer. His employer retaliated against him in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 1981.

Smith v. Ray, 2:08-cv-281 (E.D. Va.): In this matter, The Erlich Law Office helped the Plaintiff, Ms. Smith, reach a $75,000.00 settlement based on allegations of excessive force and police misconduct against an officer in the City of Virginia Beach Police Department. Ms. Smith alleged that an officer assaulted her on the front porch of a friend’s home without legal justification.

Sykes v. Artrip, et al, 1:15-cv-00051 (W.D. Va): The Erlich Law Office worked on behalf of a former maximum-security prisoner at Red Onion State Prison whose allegations against the prison included being forced to spend twenty hours in five-point restraints without food or bathroom breaks. The settlement achieved in this matter included a statewide change in policy with respect to how five-point restraints are monitored in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Garland v. Fairfield Malvern Lakes LLC, 1:15-cv-1721 (E.D. Va): In representing the Plaintiff in this matter, The Erlich Law Office obtained a decision partially denying Defendant’s motion to dismiss in which the Court affirmed that discrimination against trans individuals is illegal as sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Erlich Law Office helped one client, an employee of a national freight company, reach a settlement of more than $75,000 based upon allegations of sexual harassment.

Federal Sector EEO

The Erlich Law Office assisted a member of the intelligence community with a Federal Sector EEO matter in which a settlement of approximately $200,000.00, including attorneys’ fees, was reached.

Other Civil Litigation

Cotton v. Medical Learning Center, CL13001894 (Arlington Circuit Court): The Erlich Law Office assisted the Plaintiff in this matter, Ms. Cotton, to reach a jury verdict of more than $53,000.00, including an award of attorneys’ fees for willful violations of the Virginia Consumer Protection Act. Ms. Cotton alleged, and the jury found, that Medical Learning Center expelled Ms. Cotton from nursing school based on illegitimate reasons, thereby causing Ms. Cotton to lose her tuition and delay her entry into the workforce as a licensed practical nurse.

The Erlich Law Office helped another client secure the return of his two dogs, Mia and Lily, through an action for unlawful detainer.

Wage Payment Disputes

The Erlich Law Office helped one former client, a private duty nurse, win over $20,000.00 in unpaid wages, an equal amount for liquidated damages plus attorneys’ fees and costs for the Defendants’ violations under the Fair Labor Standard Act’s overtime requirement.

The attorneys at The Erlich Law Office served as co-counsel to assist a client with settlement of his claims of breach of contract against a former employer in the amount of approximately $30,000.00.

The Erlich Law Office assisted another client recover unpaid wages owed to him by his former employer through a settlement in the amount of approximately